Getting away was just what I needed. Visited a much missed friend in Asheville, NC and I was most impressed about how the town is nestled in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. I really miss how the mountains give you the feeling that you are so small, young, and insignificant. When I am gone these mountains will still be standing tall and immovable.

I also had the chance to get back to the AT and see Max Patch, one of my most favorite areas in the southern section of the trail. You get an 360 degree view and you can see the Great Smokies looming off in the distance. It is really beautiful and it makes me sad when I realize that the only thing that can truly harm these mountains are humans. The number of people on this planet will soon force all of the great areas such as this into either a wasteland or a strip mall. We are slowly squeezing all of the beauty out of our home. And for what? For money? For a belief that we are the owners of this planet? That all species with smaller brains that live here are ours to manipulate as we please?

I think we have the wrong idea about who we are and what we are supposed to be doing here. We are a selfish race. We create all of these methods for making ourselves comfortable and sustaining our meaningless lives as long as possible no matter what the quality or uselessness. I am not trying to say that I do not value human life and what great things can come of it, but I think we should be a little more conscious about what we are doing to the place that by a miracle of nature, gave us our life in the first place.

Why are we always out to conquer? Are our penis' not large enough that we need to rape the earth instead of thinking of other ways to satisfy our women? There are many significant changes we need to make and there are people trying to make these
changes, but I think it might be too little to late. It still makes me feel a little better knowing the effort is there.
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