Authentic Indian Food
Actually I ate at a great Pakistani restaurant for lunch today, but the Indian guys I ate with said they could not tell a difference. Mmmmmmmm..good..mmmmm...spicy.
Last weekend was very eventful. Friday I saw Good Night and Good Luck with a friend from work. That movie was a good look at what happened to main stream media and a nice job was done by Cloonester on the directing. It was good to see my friend because he actually works out of North Carolina now so he is not around too often.
Saturday was the big work Christmas Party, and I have to say it was off the hook. The only thing I am going to say about it is that there were 3 chocolate fountains in the dancing room, and they had white chocolate, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate.
I was like, wtf?
A good time was had by all except my friend Dave who got his eye socket fractured the night before and could not attend. That is another story in itself.
Sunday was also very nice. D-Bung and I made Kentucky Hot Browns for breakfast that were most excellent and tasty. (Nothing like a good ol taste of home.) We then took a nice San Diego coast tour down to Point Loma.

After checking out the views and reading about the history of the area (mostly WWII battlements and a lighthouse) we made our way down to the tidepools.

There are some really beautiful cliffs and the waves were most excellent, but I heard that the surfers there are uge a-holes. Someday Ihope to be a big enough a-hole so I can surf there too.
We drove around San Diego some more, had dinner and Dean had to go back to L.A. to take care of her kids. But not before we went and watched the sunset at Torrey Pines.

After all of that I was exhausted so I took a short nap. Then the roomy and her friends were heading to get cheap massages at the massage school so I decided to go with them and I finished off my weekend with a very pleasant and relaxing rub down. So sweet. It's going to be hard to top that this weekend, but seeing Andrew Bird on Friday will definetely be a good start.
I hate that jealousy and envy are my initial reactions to reading your posts!
I'm crazy-happy for ya' brah! Sounds like things iz all good...hope I'm able to get out there soon.
5:44 AM
hey hook me up with some photos, duder! email or snail mail or ftp or website, whatevers easiest. word.
i had so much fun!!!
2:22 PM
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