"You should be a stripper...because you english is real good."

Monday, July 04, 2005

Add the Right Spice at the Right Time

Sometimes it is nice to be at work on holidays. You can actually get something done without all that work stuff getting in your way.

I got my media center PC running this weekend, and I am truly happy with it. I am using GB-PVR. It is basically like mythtv, but easy to setup and a little more stable. It works pretty well and the remote that came with my PVR card works fantastically. I also found the phone I want.

My sister has been in town this weekend and talking to her made me want to leave this town sooner than later. She told me how much she loves having anonymity when she goes out. We all went to the patriotic music concert at Transy last night and we were talking about how we always see someone we know when we go out. It is kind of annoying at times. I actually went on a date once to Spuds, a small sports bar on the other side of town, just to have some privacy with my date, and a group of people I knew came in. I'm not tooting my own horn here, but the girl I was with was rather attractive and all of the people I knew would not leave us alone. It's shit like that that can ruin a town like this. My mom and my aunt and uncles have all lived here for a long time and I don't see how they stand it. I think most of them went to college outside of Lexington which helps I guess.

I think if I keep talikng all this shit I'll eventually leave.


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