"You should be a stripper...because you english is real good."

Monday, January 30, 2006

Joshua Tree on a Whim

So I got off work on Friday after an extra long week and looked at what was going on this weekend and decided it was best to get out of town. Took off and stayed in a hotel right outside of the park.

The weather in the desert during the winter is almost perfect for camping and hiking. It is pretty warm during the day and pretty cold at night. I prefer the cold at night when I am camping. There is nothing worse than a sweaty sleeping bag. At least I prefer it when everyone in your party is sufficiently supplied with warm gear.

During the day we had some beautiful hikes and ran into a troop of about 100 boy scouts. I don't mind the kids so much it's just the asshole scoutmasters that think they are doing something great for these kids by taking them out on trips like this and belittling them into submission.

Had a beautiful desert sunset at night, ate dinner by the campfire and slept like a baby wrapped in my mummy bag.

The next day we drove through to the southern entrance to the park and watched the desert transition from the Mojave Desert to the Colorado Desert. It was a pretty interesting change and I am definetely going to backpack the next time I go to the park.

On the way home we passed the wind farm. A pretty interesting take on sustainable energy since it is such an eyesore, but a good alternative to nuculur energy.

The picture doesn't show very many, but there were thousands of these things. We didn't even scratch the surface of the park and I am hungry for more. I think there will be a lot more outdoor trips coming up soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In It

Sometimes I stop and think about the future darlin...I think about your breast.

Here is a look at the past. Click on the 60's.

A photo from my most recent trip to LA, where I saw Val Kilmer, Forrest Whitaker, and the dad from 90210. Check out the smog in that sky. Tasty!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Long Time No post

Hello, I don't think that anyone reads the dribble I willingly post to the Interweb, so it doesn't seem to matter that I haven't posted for a while.

Nothing too exciting has happened, and that is mostly because I had some serious muscle spasms in my back that had me in bed or standing up for about 5 days. I was supposed to go to Death Valley for new years, you know to enjoy the beauty of the area without being cooked to medium well, but when I was getting dressed to leave I had a catch in my back and I could not bend over anymore. I ended up in the emergency clinic where I recieved muscle relaxers and pain meds. I was disappointed that I did not get to go to the Valley, but it was a good opportunity to make new friends by staying in town.

Needless to say I miss the wilderness, and i think I am planning on camping next weekend. I would like to go this weekend, but i have plans already in LA. Well, it's basically the same thing.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Bwa ha ha ha ha

What Would Jesus Blog?